Eleanor was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, and graduated from Trenton State University in 1962 with a B. A. in primary elementary education. She taught 3 years in New Jersey before joining DoDDS.
Her first DoDDS assignment was at Nürnburg Elementary School where she taught 1st and 2nd grades for the next 5 years. It was there that she met and married Jake Fuller, a social studies and PE teacher at Nürnburg HS.
In 1970 the Fullers transferred to Heidelberg where Eleanor taught 1st grade at Patrick Henry Village for the next 3 years. In 1973, they welcomed their daughter Beth to the family and, for the next 5 years, Eleanor became a full-time mother, had open heart surgery, and completed her MA from Boston University in counseling. She returned to DoDDS as an elementary school counselor at Mark Twain in Heidelberg and remained there until her retirement in June, 2000..
She passed away on November 22, 2004, after returning from a wonderful trip to California.