Aukamm ES History

Opened: 1961

Aukamm American Elementary School is part of the Wiesbaden Military Community. Wiesbaden is the capital of the state of Hessen, located thirty-eight kilometers northwest of Frankfurt, Germany. The base was originally an air base for the German Luftwaffe during World War II.

Aukamm services students in grades K–5 who primarily live in the Aukamm military housing area. A small number of students live in the local community, as well as in other housing areas and attend AES on waivers. To welcome new students and families prior to the first day, the school provides new student orientation tours. The average tour of duty for families in Wiesbaden is three years. The vast majority of students have at least one parent who serves in the military, with the remainder of students having at least one parent who works in a related civilian position.

The school mascot is the Aukamm Bear, and the school colors are blue and gold. The school song and cheers are:

School Song

What makes Aukamm special?

What makes Aukamm grand?

Because we go to school here in this German Land.

We’re proud to be at Aukamm

So, give ourselves a hand!!!


School Cheers


A is for awesome

U is for us,

K is for kids who say no to drugs!

A is for achievement

M is for memories

M for more for us to explore!

Aukamm is the place to be,

Our friendships make us proud.

Aukamm is the school for me,

We are the Aukamm crowd!

We’re so proud to be at Aukamm,

So, shout it once out loud!



For the 1987-88 school year Aukamm Elementary had 450 students in grades K–5. The high school and middle school students from the housing area attended school at Wiesbaden Middle and High Schools. The school had thirteen elementary teachers, a special education teacher, a host nation teacher, a counselor, a speech therapist, a reading improvement specialist, a nurse, a physical education teacher, a librarian, a principal, and clerical/support personnel. The school also received services from the Wiesbaden Guidance Center. Aukamm was located in a modern building with eighteen classrooms, a media center, and a small auditorium.

By the 1993-94 school year, the school enrollment had decreased to approximately 300 due to the drawdown of the military in Europe.

The principal for the 1998-99 school year was Mr. L.B. Connell, and there were thirty-one faculty and staff for the 265 students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade. The school had the following specialists: media, computer, host nation, art, physical education, music, and a school nurse. Special events included storytellers, a choir from Russia, student concerts, and holiday celebrations. Field trips to Wiesbaden and Mainz were an integral part of the curriculum. Other yearly events included Math Olympiads, Spelling Bee, Science Fair, and Field Day.

Dr. Judy Sessions was the principal for the 2002-03 school year, and there were 315 students in the school with twenty-six faculty and staff. D.A.R.E. was part of the curriculum.

The principal from 2005 to 2008 was Mark Benham. During this time the enrollment ranged from a high of 215 students to a low of 165 students.

For the 2009-10 school year, Sue Gurley was the principal, and the enrollment was just under 200 students.

Aukamm received the 2014 Blue Ribbon Award as an exemplary, high-performing school.

The 102nd Signal Brigade volunteered at the school as mentors and computer club support. They also volunteered at many activities held at or by the school.

Currently, Aukamm Elementary School has just over 180 students in grades kindergarten through five. The principal for the 2022–24 school years was Mrs. Angelia Hadley. There are eleven classes consisting of two classes in each grade level from kindergarten through fifth grade. Additional enrichment classes include art, Host Nation, music, physical education, media center instruction, and technology. Instructional specialists are in areas of reading, math, gifted education, special education, speech/language, and English as a Second Language. Aukamm has a full-time school nurse, counselor, and an itinerant school psychologist. Students can participate in student council, sewing and crafting, art club, gardening club, drama club, cooking club, and music club.

Information from DoDDS School Information guides, school website, and school yearbooks

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