Erlangen HS History

Opened: 1946
Closed: 1947

The high school in Erlangen, Germany, was one of the original six high schools located in Germany at the end of World War II. The school published a yearbook for their first and only year. The address for the school was Erlangen, Germany US Zone.

The first task of the student body was to write a constitution in order to create a student government. The preamble of the constitution stated:

We, the students of Erlangen High School, in order to create a student government; make the best possible use of the opportunities presented us; promote more direct co-operation and understanding among the members of the student body and faculty, form and maintain a living school spirit, and to make our school an organization of which we can all be justly proud, do hereby establish and ordain this constitution for Erlangen High School.

The school had grades nine through twelve and served all high school students in the district. Students who were not based in Erlangen were dorm students at the school.

Mr. Ashby was the principal, and there were ten faculty members. The senior class had seventeen students. Five of those students transferred during the school year. The junior class had twenty-five students and there were at least fourteen students in the sophomore class. (The number of freshmen was not recorded in the available resources.)

The school newspaper, Army Brat, was a four-page edition that was published weekly. There were nine staff members.

The school had a basketball and baseball team that competed with four of the other high schools. When travel became an issue, the teams were disbanded.

The school had an all-school ski trip to Bayreuth and a junior/senior prom. The school’s only graduation ceremony was a joint graduation with Munich that was held at Haus der Kunst in Munich. Eight of the graduates attended.

After the first year, Erlangen High School was closed and the high school was relocated to Nuremberg, Germany.


Information from the school yearbook

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