Kwajalein HS History

Opened: 1960

Kwajalein High School is located on Kwajalein Island in the Marshall Islands. The original school was operated as part of the Naval Overseas Dependent School which was later named George Seitz School. Kwajalein High School was formed when the original school moved to a new location on the base. The school was then divided into an elementary and high school.

U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll now executes base support operations through a military contractor. The school is now a private institution with a current enrollment of 102 students. Most of the students are dependents of U. S. civilian and U.S. military personnel working on the island. All students living on Kwajalein go home for lunch, while the Marshallese students from Ebeye are provided lunch by the RMI government. The class of 2022 has twenty-four students including native Marshallese students from the Republic of the Marshall Islands in addition to the American Students.

All students are required to complete school service hours for their class. Many private companies and government entities participate and support/enhance the school operations.

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