Makiminato MS History

Opened: 1981
Closed: 1987

Makiminato Middle School was located on the northern edge of Naha City, Okinawa in the center of the housing area serving Camp Kinser, Camp Butler, and Kadena Air Base. The school plant housed a K–8 complex with different staff and administration for the elementary and middle schools. The complex included a gymnasium and stage, cafeteria, library, large athletic field, wood shop, art room, business room, music room, science lab, dark room, home economics lab, and reading improvement center.

For the 1981-82 school year, the middle school was staffed by fifteen educators and part-time specialists for guidance, speech, Reading Improvement Specialist / English as a Second Language, Learning Development, Educable Mentally Retarded, library, Japanese culture, psychologist, and nurse. There were 180 students in grades six through eight.

The school was closed in 1987.


Information from DoDDS School Information guides and yearbooks

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